How to come up with a nickname for yourself. How to come up with an effective nickname that will make an impression How to come up with a nickname for yourself

19.12.2023 Computers

Every person understands perfectly well that if you call it by its name, this gives him a certain sense of self that has a very strong influence on his daily actions and choices made in life, which leads to movement either according to the best scenario, or according to a better scenario, or according to a worse scenario. And this is clear to anyone.

Also, any person can conduct an experiment and for some time ask to be called by a different name, and compare his internal state when he is called by one or another name.

If you are an adult and your life is not going the way you want, then it is never too late to change it, because the wrong name is like a backpack with bricks that you carry on yourself. It's never too late to change your name. And even more so, take a creative pseudonym or the correct nickname.

Find out 5 reasons why it is critical to call a person by the correct name and how to enhance the desired qualities in yourself using a pseudonym

Welcome to my name selection site. I, a practicing parapsychologist, Sergei Bobyr, have been involved in activities for the harmonious development of people since 1995. Since 2003, I began to study the topic of the influence of a name on a person’s fate and character; During this time, hundreds of people, with my help, named their children, changed their names and chose pseudonyms that enhanced the desired qualities in them. I help in choosing names for both newborns and adults who want to adjust their destiny line.

1. Name and destiny. In the beginning there was a word

One of my acquaintances asked me: “Why is it so important to give a child a name at birth not in honor of one of the relatives or famous people or as the parents want, but it is necessary to approach this issue very carefully, preferably from serious specialist(astrologer, psychologist, elder, etc.)?”

Most of us know the well-known expression “whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail”, but most people don't attach much importance to this. In this case, many people understand from the example of a ship that the total thoughts and ideas about this ship, their associations and emotional state, starting from its name, will either strengthen this ship and create a positive atmosphere and aura around this object or will not do this.

And people don't realize how important this is for any physical things. Although already was experimentally proven using water as an example, What thoughts and words addressed to water structure it, make it work in the way that a person puts meaning into water.

Everyone is also well aware of the expression that “in the beginning was the word” (author’s note: the Bible), which structured the Universe and created it. We also know many examples in life when a particular name or symbol has a very powerful effect on its owner. But at the same time, people very often forget that the name can bring how do they like it very great benefit(if given correctly), and very great harm.Wrong name can prevent a person from reaching their potential and achieving success in life. Of course, success is not only a name, but also energy, talent, education, work and luck.

From the point of view of parapsychological research, a person’s name determines (shapes) his life by an average of 20-30%. In some cases, if the name is given correctly, it may remove up to 50% of all kinds of negativity in a person’s life.

It is not clear how people want to have good fate, with names taken it’s unclear how. It’s the same as installing software on a computer, choosing not by its semantic content and compatibility with this equipment and its functional tasks, but by the cover and packaging of this software product.

2. The benefits and harms of a name. Strengthen the best or create an imbalance.

Let's figure out how this happens. When a child is born, he is quite pure and not conditioned by this world. One of the first and most powerful programs that begins to program him is his name. Name may enter into its field or the right vibrations, which will strengthen the best in him, laid down by God (nature), or vice versa - go against with his life tasks and character, bring severe imbalance in his future fate, health, social realization, etc., and in some cases even strengthen something bad what is in it.

In all cultures of the world the child's name was chosen by the wisest representatives of the locality or clergy, priests, and besides this there was another name, spiritual, which was supposed to contribute not only to the development of man not in society, but in the spiritual world. As a rule, this name was secret, known only to that person and a small circle of his mentors or brothers in his spiritual aspirations.

How much? And then they are surprised... And the children themselves, as adults, are looking for a new name for themselves

3. How does a name, pseudonym, or nickname affect a person?

When we pronounce certain sounds (name), it creates vibration code, which affects not only the consciousness of the child, which is actively being formed and connects the speech accepted here at this given moment in time with those images that are in the parents’ heads, but also this affects his entire aura, field structure, character and shapes it, both on the physical and on more subtle planes.

Each name in world mythology and the information field of humanity has many images and
information strictly assigned to this name. Very often we do not know the full meaning that was and is put into this or that name that we call a child. At best, we judge whether it feels right or wrong.

So, when a name is given to a child, he begins to identify himself consciously and mostly unconsciously - at the subconscious level - with this entire volume of information embedded in the memory of humanity. Plus, all the people who call him by his name strengthen this program in every possible way and, in addition to all this information (which exists in humanity about the name), strengthen this program precisely with their attention and emotions.

Accordingly, if all these vibrations, information and emotions go in the right direction (the name is chosen correctly), the child receives strong support and him fate changes for the better(health, relationships with other people, etc.), negative generic programs are eliminated. Conversely, if all this force is directed incorrectly, then the wrong name kills people every year more and more.

We can find information about the importance of choosing the right name in astrology, in all religions and secret (esoteric) teachings. And no matter how different they are, at different times and eras anywhere on Earth, everywhere the selection of a name was given extremely important importance.

Because most people don't know this information or do not have a wise person nearby, most people have incorrect names that do not contribute to their development and good life.

4. A name is a powerful generator, but of what?

Let us once again consider the mechanism of the influence of a name on a person. At the physical level, our body perceives our name as a set of certain vibrations (code), influencing the brain through the eardrums, and through the brain - the entire physical body.

At the energy level, pronouncing this or that name, we like generators we vibrate and we create a definitely directed wave (a set of waves) influencing the person to whom this name belongs, reinforcing certain waves in him.

On an emotional level each name also carries a number of associations and micro-emotions, which, as a rule, are not realized either by those who speak or by those who perceive, although in the subconscious of one and the other there is a certain block of information and emotions, automatically activated when pronouncing the name. Since a person at birth connected to the information field of the Earth, he is in the given place where he was born and is actively identified with the culture, society, its conscious and unconscious, in order to master the language with which he will interact at a given time in a given society.

At the intellectual level, which is often minimal, the name also has some meaning, but the influence is much weaker on all of the above factors.

Based on all this, we understand that the name is like a powerful mantra, program, shapes a person like this in a way that is not even fully understood either by himself or by the one who called him that way (if they are not professionals). And, accordingly, it is not clear how people want to have good fate, with data names it is not clear how. It’s the same as installing software on a computer, choosing not by its semantic content and compatibility with this equipment and its functional tasks, but by the cover and packaging of this software product.

This example makes it very clear that even a good computer (hardware - genetics and the human body) will not work normally if a washing machine or vacuum cleaner program is loaded there and vice versa.

And how much absurdly most of us name our children. And then in adulthood they wonder why a person gets sick often, his personal life is not working out, his family is being destroyed, no success in the professional field.

If the nickname is chosen correctly, it is not just corrects fate a person for the better through harmonization its character and field structure, it is powerful defense mechanism from external negative influences (negative influence of people, negative influence of space and the external environment). The person, having repeated his pseudonym several times and at the same time relaxed, carries out powerful self-therapy and harmonization.

5. Nickname – cutting off tails

Changing a name has a strong therapeutic effect on an adult. You have new opportunities simply by throwing off the burden of restrictions. A person identified himself with a name as a certain sum of responsibilities, the rules of which must be met. This system of restrictions consumed a lot of strength, immobilized, and did not allow me to go my own way.

The influence of the old name on character, choices and actions ceases.

A new name in itself does not change muscle memory, habits, or destiny. Only the right name can create a powerful impulse for change, and internally maintain this wave of cleansing relief every day.

Who and where can use a pseudonym?

Nickname for games - many young people spend time playing games on the Internet. The right nickname will help you not only have fun, but also improve your character. Using the results for life.

A creative pseudonym will help a blogger or forum member close their weak points and realize their strong ones. The correct nickname will give you the strength and inspiration that is so necessary to create an interesting page on the Internet, which is saturated with various projects.

The correct name will help an artist, poet, singer, performer, businessman develop sought-after positive character traits, generate a wave of stability, and protect against negativity.

There is no mysticism, the effect is achieved solely due to the influence of the name (pseudonym) on the person’s unconscious.

There are many very successful people in history who chose pseudonyms and achieved a lot, including due to the increased inner strength generated by the pseudonym.

What criteria are used to select a pseudonym (nickname)?

If you have a specific request, for example, improve health, to protect yourself from generic problems that you know about, then I will choose a pseudonym, the pronunciation of which in relation to its owner strengthens the selected qualities. If you rely on my professionalism and cleanliness, then I independently look at the person’s aura weaknesses and strengths and I select a name that maximally “covers” the weaknesses and protects against external negative influences and potential problems. It is important that when choosing a name you take into account purpose person and his place of residence.

The main goal that I set when choosing a pseudonym is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from suspected problems and help maximum unlock your potential.

The pseudonym selection method is a technology based on direct communication with subtle plans and analysis of a person’s individuality

My method differs from many other proposals available today in that when choosing a pseudonym, I am guided not by statistical data or astrological forecasts, which do not provide the required accuracy, without taking into account the uniqueness of different people, but by direct connection with subtle plans and the principle of individuality of each person.
Check quality my work is not as simple as if it were something you could “touch.” Here you have to rely a lot on your own intuition and feedback from other people. On the other hand, you can always conduct an experiment and find out whether your name suits you, and if not, change it and track changes. The last method is longer, but also more accurate.

Whatever decision you make after reading my site, I want to draw your attention to the importance of choosing a name that suits a person and call you to a high level of consciousness and responsibility in this matter. After all, a name, pseudonym, or nickname may not only to help, but also openly harm a person in case of incorrect selection. Therefore, in such an important matter, you need to turn only to professionals, trusting your intuition and the reviews of other people.

A pseudonym can be used anywhere - on the Internet, cinema, music. An effective, memorable nickname can attract attention to its owner, which is what most owners of interesting nicknames strive for above all else. In order for a fictitious name to work the way its owner intended, you need to pay attention to the possible options.

A pseudonym is an invented name, while a nickname comes from the foreign word nickname. A fictitious name serves as a substitute for the real one. In the modern world, Internet users who strive to be remembered are hidden behind a nickname. Often a pseudonym is used to hide behind it.

There are many reasons that force people to hide behind made-up names:

  • desire to avoid persecution;
  • through class prejudices;
  • fear of revealing one's social position;
  • fear of failure;
  • the desire to stand out, be remembered, attract attention, etc.

Also, those who have an uninteresting or even indecent surname strive to come up with a new, more euphonious name.

Nicknames on VKontakte (VK)

On VKontakte, most account holders have nicknames. Wise users do the right thing when they do not link their real data to their VK account. But at the same time, you need to remember that it is not advisable to make a fake name the most unusual.

Administrators of this social network quickly identify such account owners. The page is marked with a shameful label, which indicates that the information provided on the page is untrue. If the name is chosen incorrectly, the page may be blocked.

For girls (women's)

A girl’s nickname should be some kind of reflection of her interests, preferences, or simply be original.

In addition, many people strive to decorate their nickname with symbols that make the fictitious name beautiful to look at, for example, you can use the following nicknames:

  • .*.*LOVED_IN_the_Sun.*.*
  • I-B-L-O-C-C-O
  • ☜ My ♡ is busy☞
  • YES ★ SHA
  • KruTyshKa
  • ~Bitch~
  • ジ҉Д҉А҉Н҉Э҉Ч҉К҉Аジ
  • Ålεkšลµdra
  • ☜AnGeL..♡..DнЯ☞
  • ♪In rhythm with mine
  • ۩۞۩ SyanchIk ۩۞۩
  • ~Whisper of Rain~
  • Dreams come true

For guys (male)

A nickname for a guy has a more serious meaning than for a girl. A guy should strive for originality, be distinguished by unusual thinking, his nickname should evoke respect from friends and delight among girls.

Nicknames that may be interesting are:

  • Dreamer
  • lion soul
  • tempter
  • owner of the world
  • guardian of humanity
  • Sunny guy
  • Veselchak
  • Lyricist
  • Star Warrior
  • Invader
  • I'm a cool guy
  • Pioneer
  • _*very nice king*
  • CKa3o4HuK
  • Executor
  • Mentor
  • The wind of change
  • adept of justice
  • smoky Wizard
  • The boss came in quietly *_*
  • The One

Beautiful nicknames for Instagram

When choosing a nickname for Instagram, you need to look at possible nicknames already used by other users. When registering an account, you must enter your chosen name. If it is already occupied by someone, you need to continue searching for a new one. It is not advisable to use aliases that are too long - more than 20 characters. If your nickname contains several words, you need to separate them with an underscore or a dash. If you combine characters that are not on a regular keyboard, other users will see empty spaces instead - white squares.

It is better to write long nicknames in Russian, short ones - in Latin letters.

For girls and women

On Instagram, girls and women try to use meaningful and sonorous nicknames. You can use a fictitious name that reflects the girl’s inner state, interests, hobbies.

Great options that girls and women can take note of:

  • Dikaya_k()шk@
  • 3bowka
  • I'll-survive-2018
  • House_Blue_Leaves
  • thatNavsﻉWhen
  • λφЂนრลI
  • RyaΔoM with t Fight
  • G@L@V@breaking
  • Exclusive
  • Selfie_DeByshKa
  • cute personification of evil

For boys and men

Men do not change their principles, regardless of which social network they open an account on.

The guys' nicknames are clear, succinct, and often funny:

  • )(uLiGaN
  • Proud Huλϟgɑn
  • BratoK
  • Sylvestor_with_coupon
  • clear person
  • Jedi Vasily
  • HEqpOPMaJI
  • Brucelist
  • I_Spartan_85
  • Outlaw
  • loaf
  • pro100th
  • Where_my_eat

Nicknames in English with translation into Russian

Most websites and social networks offer to register nicknames exclusively in English. This doesn't scare anyone today. In addition, you can create unique, original and interesting nicknames that will fuel the desire to know what a fictitious name means. This option will definitely attract attention, especially since there is plenty to choose from.

For girls (women's)

The flight of fancy when choosing a nickname in English is unlimited.

For girls, nicknames are suitable, in which entire phrases similar to statuses are encrypted:

· Girl Clothing (girl clothes)

Girl beauty

· Simply Girl

Better Half

· Honey Bun

· Sweetest (the sweetest)

Cherry Pie

· Specials (bargain)

· I’m so alone (I’m so alone)

· Creepy character (terrible character)

· Tsukiko (moon child)

Nicknames in the form of a name or word also sound beautiful:

· Youth (youth)

Believe (believe)



· Confident (confident)

For guys (male)

Nicknames in English for guys are perceived positively by users and cause good impressions when familiarizing themselves with a guy’s profile.

Interesting male nicknames in English:

· cognitive dissonance (cognitive dissonance)


· karateka (karateka)

· locator (locator)

· mentality

selector (finder)

carbonate (black diamond)

· Russian vodka (Russian vodka)

· Impromptu (improvisation)

· Klondike (Klondike)



On YouTube

At first, many people visited YouTube video hosting only to watch videos, because the pseudonyms were simple and not very euphonious.

But today this is already a channel that can be developed, so the nickname plays an important role.

For girls and women

In order for your YouTube account to attract attention, it is advisable to choose a nickname that will be easy to read.

This will allow other users to find your profile faster. Girls who are interested in symbols that are not on the keyboard will have a more difficult time expanding their audience, since finding such a profile will not be easy. It is advisable to experiment with first names and surnames, choosing them with alternating Russian and English words, using the names of literary characters. It is advisable to make nicknames that are not very long and will be easy to remember.

· Nastya Kitty

Chocolate Elise

For boys and men

For the YouTube channel, more official nicknames that reflect the theme of this site may be suitable for guys:

How can you come up with a beautiful nickname yourself?

You need to come up with a nickname depending on what goals you want to achieve with this action. First, you need to write down on a piece of paper or in a text document on your computer the ideas that come to mind first. The selection can be made after a fairly large list has been recorded. This will allow you to visually and mentally select the most harmonious and outwardly attractive from the available options.

The nickname should be an incentive to take certain actions. You can choose something important for yourself, reflecting your field of activity and interests. You can rearrange the words in your name, if you don’t want to tie a fictitious name to your type of activity, try writing your first or last name backwards - it might turn out to be an interesting option.

Some pseudonyms of stars and famous people

Many celebrities have dissonant surnames and names that do not attract attention or are not remembered, so to enhance their stage image they use pseudonyms.


· Eva Bushmina – Layan;

· Christmas tree – Elizaveta Ivantsiv;

· Nyusha - Anna Shurochkina.

· Pink – Alicia Beth Moore;

· Carmen Electra – Tara Lake Patrick;

· Jackie Chan - Chan Kong San;

· DIDO – Florian Cloud De Bachiviel;

· Tina Turner – Anna Mae Bullock.

What is an operational pseudonym?

An operational pseudonym is considered to be a pseudonym that is selected for conducting intelligence activities, conducting any secret operations, various one-time or periodic actions.

Often operational pseudonyms are the names of cities, plants, animals, natural phenomena, a combination of numbers, or the abbreviated surname of the bearer of the pseudonym.

Do not miss. . .

Cool -

In English with translation into Russian -

Nickname(Greek ψευδής - “false” and Greek όνομα - “name”) - a name (anthroponym) used by a person in one or another public activity instead of the real one (given at birth, recorded in official documents). (Wikipedia).

Often, based on a person’s name, a clear description of the character of its bearer is built that does not connect it with the type of activity to which it belongs. There are many similar reasons why a name “doesn’t suit” its owner. The pseudonym is adopted for political reasons. Remember Dzhugashvili-Stalin. Avoid matches with already known names. Thus, the Belarusian poet Yakub Kolas was the namesake of the famous Adam Mickiewicz. Jean Baptiste Poquelin's father was against his son's passion for theater - Poquelin turned into Moliere.

A pseudonym can tell a lot about a person’s worldview, passions and activities. this kind of thing may even go some way to explaining his success.

From this point of view, it is interesting to look at the pseudonym of the famous Japanese scholar, literary critic and translator Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili (Boris Akunin), the author of many scientific publications. When he began writing fiction in the 90s of the twentieth century, it was believed that an intelligent writer should not “stoop” to a detective story. And if this happened, then the level of his education and talent was commensurate with this “low” genre. The reputation of a serious scientist would be in doubt. And in the sea of ​​popular literature, the unpronounceable Georgian surname would hardly be remembered. We need to figure it out for public activities.

Translated from Japanese, “aku-nin” means “evil man”, “robber”, “man who does not know the laws”. Why not a detective hero?! And together with the initial of the name it forms the surname of the famous Russian anarchist of the 19th century Bakunin. “Boris Akunin” sounds good, is easy to pronounce and is memorable. As you can see, by using a pseudonym you can determine both the genre of the work and the main profession of the writer. “Unity of form and content” has been achieved.

Here is another example of a successful choice of nickname. A young actor from Odessa at the beginning of the twentieth century. Lazarus Waxbein strove for fame. My own name was more of a hindrance than a help in this matter. I wanted the name to reflect the idea of ​​ascension and speak about the power of talent. This is how the now well-known artist Leonid Utesov was born. Over time, this surname became so beloved and popular that several Leonid Utesovs, Alexey and Evgeniy Utesovs, appeared in the country. “A pseudonym is when there are so many of you that you no longer fit into one name” - said Juliana Wilson. In the case of Leonid Utesov, it is clear that meaning of a simple male name it turned out to be so large that it “fit” not only the talent of one artist, but the personalities of several ordinary people.

Your pseudonym (nickname) is your face on the Internet. It doesn't matter if you're posting on forums, editing Wiki articles, playing games, or just being active online, interacting with others, your nickname will be the first thing people see. People will start to form opinions about you depending on the nickname you choose, so choose wisely! Read on to learn how to create a good nickname.


    Don't forget that your nickname is your business card. Your nickname will be the first detail that people you interact with online will notice. Make sure you like the nickname yourself, because you will see it quite often.

    Create different aliases for different services. Different nicknames may be appropriate on different sites. If you are registering on a professional site, you may need to choose a different nickname than the one you use on gaming forums.

    • You will have to separate your internet use into two different categories: professional and personal use. Later, you can use one nickname for professional resources and another for personal resources. This will make it easier for you to remember your nicknames.
  1. Remain anonymous. Avoid any personal information that could reveal anything about you through a pseudonym. This applies to your first name, last name or your date of birth.

    • Use a nickname that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess that it is you. Use your middle name, which you rarely say, for example, and write it backwards.
  2. Don't give up if your nickname doesn't work. Most large Internet resources already contain a lot of standard aliases in their database. If you want to register in a fairly old Internet community, then there is a high probability that the pseudonym will already be used by someone. Instead of using suggestions for a possible nickname from a web resource - be creative!

    Follow your passions. If, for example, you really like Brazil, search online for the names of plants, warriors, or just fairy tale heroes associated with this country. If you like collecting old cars, make your nickname from the engine name of your favorite car manufacturer.

    Come up with a compound nickname. Use your interests to create your nickname. Combine several different words together to make one nickname. This way, your username will become unique, and the chances that it will not be registered on another resource will increase significantly.

    Overcome the language barrier. Look up words from other languages. The username "Writer" may already be taken, but "Ecrivain" - its French equivalent - will be available. You can use a nickname using a made-up language such as Elvish or Klingon.

    Brevity is the soul of wit. You don't want to use a nickname that's too long—make it shorter! Shorten long words (for example, instead of Mississippi you can use Missi or just Miss) and don't make your nickname too long.

    Use symbols instead of spaces and letters. Most online resources will not allow you to use spaces in your nickname, but spaces can be simulated by using the "_" character. You can also use numbers to replace letters, such as "7" instead of "T", or "3" instead of "E". Usually this method is used by people in the environment of computer games.

    • Dots can also be used instead of spaces.
    • Don't use your birth year at the end of your nickname, especially if you're young, because it will make it easy to figure out how old you are.
  3. Use the nickname generator. You can find many nickname generators on the Internet. You only need to enter a little information to get a randomly selected nickname. Yes, this will not be your own idea, but this method is perfect when you are already completely scratching your head over coming up with an original pseudonym.

    • Don't come up with a nickname that is too difficult to remember, especially if you are going to share it with other people (for example, to add to your friends list).
    • Make a list of adjectives that describe you and try to create your new nickname from them.
    • You can use it in email too, but try not to use names that are too provocative.
    • Most websites require an alias of 6 to 14 characters.
    • In general, the more unique your username is, the more resources you will be able to use it on, and the easier it will be to remember. On the other hand, if it is too special and associated with your personal information, then your personal information may be available to others.
    • Some sites like AIM will give you a list of possible nicknames if you enter a few words. You'll see more unusual results that you can use later, but you shouldn't use it if you can't remember it.
    • Write your nickname down near your computer so you don't forget it. Also write down the address of the site where you use your pseudonym, especially if you will use different pseudonyms on different resources.


    • Read the rules for using nicknames on WikiHow, but only if you plan to register with WikiHow. Rules written for WikiHow may not work on other sites.
    • Please pay attention to the site requirements. On many sites you will find a requirement that “You must not create a nickname that contains inappropriate language or curse words.”

    Article information

    wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 67 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.


First, decide what you would like to convey to the consumer of your creativity with your message. This may be a name with a certain touch of ideology, like Maxim Gorky and Demyan Bedny. A pseudonym can characterize your work and its main themes, such as, for example, the pseudonym of Yakub Kolos and Lesya Ukrainka.

A stage name can be a shortening of your real name or surname. Especially Portuguese names suffer from the fact that they consist of four or five words, which will not be easy for the viewer to remember. So, for example, Cher's real name is Sherilyn Sarkisyan.

Creative people who have built a career outside of their historical homeland often have names that are difficult to pronounce for the local population and are forced to use a pseudonym. For example, Boris Akunin’s real name is Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, which is quite difficult for Russian-speaking readers to remember it the first time.

Often, when publishing their works, they take names. The weaker sex in science and (unless these are children's books, romance novels and paperback detective stories) are still treated with distrust. To avoid discussions and speculation, many female writers preferred to sign their works with any male name. Thus, Zinaida Gippius published her poems under her real name, but her critical articles were published under the pseudonym Anton Krainy.

If a famous person influenced your development and creativity, you can come up with a pseudonym using his last name or first name. For example, the medieval physician Paracelsus came up with his pseudonym, which refers to the name of another famous ancient doctor - Celsus.

Once you've chosen your name, make sure there are no writers or singers with the same name, otherwise you'll end up in legal trouble early in your career. The easiest way to check is to make an appropriate request to an Internet search engine.

Now, when publishing your article or book, giving illustrations to the publisher, do not forget to fill out an agreement that will indicate your real name, surname and patronymic, the name with which your work will be signed, and your passport information. If someone else catches your nickname, you can always prove that you were the first to use this name by indicating the date of the contract.

Video on the topic

A nickname or pseudonym is an integral part of every virtual user. One person can have several nicknames, depending on which sites he registers on.


When creating an email, many people prefer to use their first and last name. Since this service is often used not only for personal purposes, but also for business correspondence and when registering on official websites (for example, the portal). But since there are more than fifty million users on the RuNet, almost all combinations of names have already been sorted out. And we have to come up with new nicknames for email. For an address, insert a period, hyphen or underscore between the first and last names. You can also add numbers - date of birth, for example. But then the nickname will be too cumbersome, and it will be difficult to remember.

To create a shorter nickname, use the first letters of your first name, middle name, last name, adding your date of birth or the current year. For example, Sergei Ivanovich Ivanov, May 05, 1980. The nickname will look like this: isi050580. Such an email address is much easier to remember than one consisting of fifteen characters or more.

You can come up with a variety of nicknames for social networks and chats. These can be derivatives of first and last names or simply “talking” nicknames. Usually, users try to attach a certain meaning to a nickname. For dating sites they use romantic nicknames (“girl in the rain” or “prince from a fairy tale”), for role-playing games - the names of fairy-tale characters, on social networks - school nicknames or derivatives of the surname.

If you can’t come up with a nickname yourself, you can use one of the services for selecting nicknames. These are nickname generators for various computer games. There you need to indicate the gender and the number of characters in the nickname. Then click on the “Create nickname” button. The site will offer an option. You can save it and generate the next nicknames, and then choose the best one.


  • Nickname selection service

From the point of view of attractiveness for the reader, it is important not only what the book is called, but also the name of its author. Many writers have used pen names for one reason or another and know that the right pen name plays an important role in the process of publishing and selling a book. However, what should you consider when choosing a pseudonym?


The very word “pseudonym” (from the Greek pseudonymos - “false name”) is a name that a person uses in any public activity instead of his real one. The reasons for using a pseudonym can be very different. Fear of persecution by the authorities or radical critics, the desire to get rid of a dissonant name, the desire to hide origin or gender - these are far from the complete reasons why people write under pseudonyms. Some authors are generally known only under pseudonyms, and only literary scholars know their real names. Regardless of why you use a pseudonym, you should be guided by a certain logic when choosing it.

Firstly, your pseudonym should be euphonious, unless, of course, you initially set yourself the opposite task (for example, to amuse or puzzle readers). The surname (or a combination of initials and) should not be consonant with abusive, negative words. Write down the nickname in English letters: perhaps a harmless-looking name will turn out to be funny or indecent for English-speaking people. Don’t forget to try all possible combinations of first and last names to avoid unpleasant incidents.

You should not choose the names of famous people, especially writers, as a pseudonym, as you may be accused of trying to appropriate someone else's fame. However, it is quite acceptable to play on a famous name by changing a few letters. On the other hand, such a step will enable readers to suspect you of borrowing not only your name, but also your creative ideas.

Many authors, in search of pseudonyms, turned to the history of their own family, since sometimes the maiden name of a great-grandmother, for example, turned out to be much more euphonious and attractive than the writer’s real name. In addition, this option allows you to preserve the family legacy.

One of the most popular ways to come up with a pseudonym is to play off your real first and last name. Take the first or last letters of the name, add a syllable or two from the last name, and you may have a wonderful, euphonious nickname. Oddly enough, quite a large number of pseudonyms appeared from children's nicknames and nicknames.

Helpful advice

If you choose a foreign pseudonym with initials or abbreviations, be sure to spell them out, as the book's imprint must include the author's full name.

Every Internet user sooner or later needs to register on one or another social network. And although it is initially assumed that you indicate your real name and surname, not everyone is ready to take such a step. If you decide not to reveal your secret identity to anyone, come up with a nickname.

Of course, Vasya

Some social networks do not allow users to use obviously fictitious names. But in most cases, you can communicate on the forum of your favorite movie, computer game, or register on a frequently visited site under a fictitious name. Which one to choose?

There is always a great temptation to give yourself the name of some famous character. For example, "Bond", "Frodo" or "Sailor Moon". However, keep in mind that on a thematic site such names may have been occupied for a long time. And if moderation does not imply the use of only unique names for communication, you can become one of the ten Bonds or Frodo34, which, you see, is less honorable. Try to experiment and choose some less popular but interesting name. If you absolutely want to remain Bond, you can use some derivative of this nickname. Let's say, “Nicholas Bond” or “chief Bond”. In general, do not hesitate to give free rein to your imagination.

Embellish it a little

Now a little about your name on a social network that requires reality. Yes, you cannot call yourself “Pope” there, but you have the right to change your own name at your discretion. For example, Anna Ivanova can, if desired, change her data to Anyuta Ivanova, Anna 777 Ivanova or Anyutka Ivanova. Of course, you can call yourself Agrippina Ivanova; no one will check the authenticity of your passport data on the social network, but remember the purpose of creating the page. Social networks are primarily a tool for finding friends. And if you provide a fictitious name, it will be quite difficult to find you.

Without aggression

Remember that a name on a social network, fictitious or real, is a kind of your personal brand and business card. And that is what people pay attention to first. You should not create pages with names that have a sharp negative connotation of any events, views or works, and even more so, calls for violence. “I hate Pushkin” may sound quite harmless, but who knows, what if you offend someone’s feelings?

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